Being a Virtual Grandmother


It’s Official I am now a grandmother! I cannot begin to describe to you how exquisite it is to be a grandma but I will try.  It’s like Christmas wrapped in my birthday with a cherry on top!  It’s like having this cute little human that loves you for no reason.  Not only has God allowed my line to continue but I have this lovely extension of myself and all of the ancestors who came before us to gaze upon. Due to circumstances beyond my control I wasn’t able to meet my adorable little cherub face-to-face until she was a year old. By then, however, I had already introduced myself to her digitally through Facetime.  I realized early on that being a virtual grandmother would be the only way I could get to know my granddaughter.

Virtual Grandmother

A Virtual Grandmother is a Grandmother who primarily uses electronic devices to communicate with their grandchildren.  In my case my grandchild lives far away so I only get to physically see her a few times a year.  The most important thing that you have to consider when you become a Virtual Grandmother is how you will utilize various devices to connect with your grandkids.  I started speaking to my grand girl right after she was born.  My son would lay his phone next to her and I would just talk to her and sing her songs.  When she got old enough to hold her head up and coo, I was right there and I used my voice to get her attention and sang the same songs to her over and over again.  By singing the same songs I was able to get her comfortable with the sound of my voice as well as give her something familiar to attach to me.  By the time I went to meet her face to face she recognized me immediately.  Once we met we were inseparable.  Now when I sing the familiar songs she rocks her head as I sing.  Connection made.


Now that the connection has been made I have to focus on keeping it.  To do that I make sure to Facetime with her at least 3 times per week.  Now that she is almost two years old our conversations are more in depth.  Since her attention span is pretty good I am teaching her abc’s, numbers and other basic toddler things. But most of all we have loads of fun!  Because of today’s technology I can interact with her and watch her grow up in real time right before my very eyes. I get to see everything:  First Steps, feedings, first words, tantrums, you name it!

Being a Virtual Grandmother aint so bad once you get the hang of it.  Of course I wish I could see her everyday but I can’t. My goal is to be an integral part of her life no matter if she is in my physical presence or not.  By the way…she will call me “Grambina”.

How are you maintaining a good relationship with your long distance grandkids?



Thank you for visiting my site. My name is Stacey Taylor aka “The SistahChick” I am the Head Sistah-In-Charge here at   I am an Atlanta based Professional Blogger who spends my time enjoying the beauty of everyday life and sharing that here on my blog.