Aging is Beautiful! Why I Embrace My Gray #NaturalHair

For many years I used permanent color on my hair, 15 years to be exact.  The color that I always chose was honey blonde.  Of course, on my black hair that translated to a sort of reddish, blondish brown color.  Once I went natural, my curly colored ends and dark roots created a stunning contrast and I thought I looked real cute.

The SistahChicks FroHawk

The damage to my ends, however, was not cute. After my second big chop I decided to ditch the color for a TOTALLY natural experience.  It was at that moment that I discovered hundreds of gray hairs throughout my entire head!  It was quite a shock and at first I was horrified.  Not wanting to ruin my natural experience I tried henna as a natural alternative to permanent color.  Little did I know that the henna would turn all of the grays to a bright red hue which would dim little by little after each wash.  It was kind of cool actually and I didn’t mind it much.

Here is the vid that I made about my transition from coloring my natural hair

As my grays once again became more apparent I then noticed how the strands were a just a bit tougher than my other strands of hair.  They were also a little wirey and less apt to behave as the rest of my hair did when using products.  As I got to know this gray hair of mine, I started to enjoy it and even understand it.  I have came to realize that my gray hairs are kind of like an older version me.  Stronger, tougher, coarse, lol and yes LESS apt to behave!  Today, I embrace my gray natural hair.  I wear it proudly as if it were a badge of accomplishment in life.  You see I have many friends who were sadly taken away from this earth before they were able to see their gray hair.

NaturalHairDontCareI rejoice in the fact that I am here and get to enjoy mine.  I often think of my granny with her beautiful salt & pepper grayed afro and I miss her.  I wish she had been here long enough for her hair to turn completely white because then I could have had a little more time with her.   When I look in my husband’s face and I see gray in his beard I rejoice because when I met him when his beard was all black.  I am enjoying growing old with him.  When I look in the mirror and I see the lines in my face and the grays in my hair, I am grateful that I have been allowed to live to see all of these days. I don’t knock people who choose to color their hair.  To each her own.  I just choose to accept what I have been given.  I chalk each gray hair up to a wonderful experience that I have had in this life and pray that I am blessed with many more.  There is honor is aging and I wish that we as a society could learn to embrace it and all of physical attributes that come with it.

Do you embrace your gray hair?



Thank you for visiting my site. My name is Stacey Taylor aka “The SistahChick” I am the Head Sistah-In-Charge here at   I am an Atlanta based Professional Blogger who spends my time enjoying the beauty of everyday life and sharing that here on my blog.

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