Aging Beautifully with Mixed Chicks Natural Hair Products

This post and giveaway is sponsored by Mixed Chicks Natural Hair Products.  All opinions are my own.


Guess what? I’ll be turning 50 soon.  I’d like to think that I am aging gracefully and beautifully but the truth is everything changes as we get older.  Our skin, our eyes, our bodies, our minds and yes even our hair.  Some of the transitions that my hair has made throughout the years are:  Growth, Thinning, Graying, Dryness, and some Texture Changes.  I am no longer a “product junkie” who jumps around from product to product.  I have found my favorite go to hair products and I seldom waiver.  I’ve been a natural for 12 years and my hair knows what it likes.  For the past 10 years there are a few products that have stuck with me as I ‘transition” and one of them is  Mixed Chicks Natural Hair Products.

When I talked to one of Mixed Chicks owners, Wendi, I let her know that I was turning 50 soon and that means that I have been using their products for almost 10 years! She excitedly told me that she was right behind me (age wise)!  So we decided to do The SistahChick’s Sweet 50 Birthday Give Away!

History of The SistahChick and Mixed Chicks Natural Hair Products

But first let me tell you a little bit about my history with Mixed Chicks Natural Hair Products.  Back in the day You Tube was one of the only social media platforms and we were just at the beginning of the natural hair movement.  I used to try all sorts of products on my natural hair on camera.  Mixed Chicks was the very the first natural hair You Tube video product review that I ever made!

Well that was 9 years ago and here I am almost a decade later and its still one of my favorite go-to products.

I started with their first line that includes their wonderful Mixed Chicks clarifying shampoo, detangling deep conditioner and leave in conditioner that my hair cannot live without.  It brought me massive controllable, ringlets when my hair was shorter, thicker and chemically colored.

When I first met Wendi Levy and Kim Etheredge, The owners of Mixed Chicks Hair Products, face to face it was at Bronner Bros Hair show in 2010. Wash n Go’s were my thing back then.  I was still pretty new to hair styles and products so the wash n go was just the easiest for me.


Those were exciting times. Since then I’ve had pleasure of partnering with them on many campaigns and giveaways.  I have enjoyed building a long standing relationship with this brand.

In 2014, The SistahChick was their WCW and featured on the Mixed Chicks Hair blog.  We hooked up at the hair show like we always do.  By now my natural hair had grown out a lot and I had stopped cutting and coloring it.


In 2016 I was selected for the Mixed Chicks “Your Hair Story Series”  It was great to be able to share my hair story and the fact that I use and love this product even though I am NOT “mixed”.

When my Little Chick got her hair straightened for the first time we went right for the Mixed Chicks Straightening Serum to get the job done.

When they brought their new line of products out in 2016-2017 I couldn’t wait to try them.  Now my hair is long and I am a “heat-free” & “comb-free” natural.  With no artificial coloring and LOTS of grays.   During this stage, I wear lots of puffs, updos and twist outs.  Once again I was pleased with the results that Mixed Chicks Natural Hair Products gave me.

Here we are in 2018.  My hair is longer and its SUMMER time so I am about that Bun Life.  As you can see my hair has made many transitions in the past decade.  One thing I know for sure is that Mixed Chicks has stayed a part of my regimen through it all and it will be one of the products that will stick with for the long haul.  That being said…

With my sweet 50th birthday coming up soon I decided that I am gonna do an entire month of giveaways with some amazing brands.  Some of them I have a longtime relationship, some just agreed to help me celebrate my birthday.  Are you ready?  Lets go!  Enter my first contest beginning NOW and come back every week for a NEW give away for the entire month of August!

The Give Away:

2 FULL SIZE sets of Mixed Chicks Trio which includes 10 oz Clarifying Shampoo, 10 oz Leave In Conditioner and 8 oz. Detangling Deep Conditioner

3 Full Size Sets of “My Fav” Trio (New Arrivals) which includes Daily Hair Dress, Conditioning Cleansing Co Wash, Coil, Kinks & Curl Styling Cream

Thats 5 winners total!  Now who wants some?  Enter below

Must live in continental US to qualify

a Rafflecopter giveaway



Thank you for visiting my site. My name is Stacey Taylor aka “The SistahChick” I am the Head Sistah-In-Charge here at   I am an Atlanta based Professional Blogger who spends my time enjoying the beauty of everyday life and sharing that here on my blog.