Not a Diet. 3 Steps To a Simple LIFESTYLE Change

simple-healthy-eating-lifestyleI’ve never been good with diets and believe me I’ve tried my fair share of them.  At 5’1″ weight has always been an issue for me in my adult life.  I was very active when I was younger.  I was an athlete so I never really dealt with weight issues until after I slowed down and started having kids.  I noticed that the older I got the harder it was to lose my baby weight.  After I had my daughter it seems like the weight took forever to go away.  I had ballooned to 225 after having her.  I ended up losing 45 pounds through diet and exercise in 2008 and was able to keep it off.  But I still needed to lose more weight to meet the BMI for my height. (which is HARD!) In 2013 I lost 20 more lbs but gained 15 of it back…  Long/short I still struggle.  Recently my doctor gave me 3 steps to help me “get my life”.  It has been 2 weeks and I’ve lost 12 pounds. I really like this eating plan.  I don’t look at it as a diet because its really not that restrictive.  It’s kind of easy so I thought I’d share it with you.

3 Steps To a Simple LIFESTYLE Change

1. Eat 3 meals a day.  No Snacks.  STOP SNACKS or replace them with low carb veggies:  carrot sticks, celery sticks, tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli.  Eat salads.  You can also have plain yogurt and nuts in moderation as a snack.

2. Reduce starches at main meals to half cup.  This means cereal, pasta, rice, potatoes, corn.  Limit bread to 1-2 slices per meal.

3.  Stop desserts.  No sugary drinks.  replace desserts with fruit but no more than equivalent of 1 whole fruit per day.  (Don’t use fruits for a snack)

That’s it.  Of course you should also be doing at least 30 minutes of exercise daily for 5 days each week.  She also suggested that I set my plate up differently.  Leafy green veggies on half my plate half cup starch, fist full of protein (meaning meat no bigger than my fist) So far so good.  I’m gonna keep at it and I will keep you posted!  If you try it let me know how if it works out for you.  I’d love to hear your results.

When it comes to healthy eating what is your biggest obstacle?



Thank you for visiting my site. My name is Stacey Taylor aka “The SistahChick” I am the Head Sistah-In-Charge here at   I am an Atlanta based Professional Blogger who spends my time enjoying the beauty of everyday life and sharing that here on my blog.