Total Lunar Eclipse

My kids and I were fortunate to be able to partially witness a Total Lunar Eclipse on 12/21/2010.  In the wee hours of the morning, my son and daughter and I bundled up, placed blankets on the lawn and laid out there with our cameras to see what we could see.  We watched off and on from about 1:00am to 3:15am.  Overall it was a very cloudy night and we missed a lot of it.  But we got a real good glimpse of the beginning of the eclipse. My daughter marvelled at the brightness of the full moon.  My son expressed amazement at the entire concept of planets moving.  From what I have read, there hasn’t been a Total Lunar Eclipse in the Northern Winter Solstice since 1638.  Check out Wikipedia to Learn More…

Witnessing the awesome power of the Creator with my kids, was a true blessing and celebration. 
…Laying on the lawn & being weird in our hood…creating memories…Priceless
Winter Solstice

Thanks for reading!




Thank you for visiting my site. My name is Stacey Taylor aka “The SistahChick” I am the Head Sistah-In-Charge here at   I am an Atlanta based Professional Blogger who spends my time enjoying the beauty of everyday life and sharing that here on my blog.

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