Culinary Fight Club Presents Blended Burger Battle Cooking Competition


You better believe I was back in the house to cover the latest Culinary Fight Club Food Competition!  This time it was a Blended Burger Battle where each Chef had to come up with a creation that combined a good ol burger with mushrooms.  It was held once again at No Mas Cantina, the best Mexican Restaurant in Atlanta!

Culinary Fight Club is a non profit organization that hosts cooking competitions all across the United States.  All of the proceeds go to  The venue generally provides Nosh and beer/wine.  The Chefs provide delicious bites for everyone to taste.  There are judges.  Attendees get tickets and get to make a Taster’s Choice decision on who the winners are by dropping their tickets in the ballot box of the chef of their choice.  Each event has a different theme.

Blended Burger Battle

I am pleased to have been a proud partner sponsor of this event, providing LIVE social media coverage for it on my Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Periscope. It was so much fun being involved with all of the chefs, judges  and getting up close and personal with attendees. Everything from the mushrooms to the meat was donated.


There were four Chefs and 3 Judges.  Jordan and Melanie MC’d and as usual it was loads of fun. You can check out our Walk Thru here…


Meet Our Chefs: Robert Butts, Chip Reed, Travis Hickman and Joseph Rahme.


Meet the Judges:  Chef Marc Taft, Judge Josh Calvin and Chef Laurel Elliott (Things With Wings Champion.

This competition brought out burger/mushroom combinations that you had to be there to try because they were all simply amazing. I knew from the start that this would be a close competition!

Chef Robert Butts created this masterpiece Meatloaf burger topped with Portobello & King Trumpet Mushrooms, grilled onions, swiss cheese, tomato bacon jam, crispy bacon, garlic aioli and a butter brioche bun with Apple Slaw on the side.  Oh My!

Chef Joseph Rahme made an “East Meets West Burger” Thai Basil Pesto, Smoked Onions, Meat mixed with amazing variety of mushrooms.

Chef Chip Reed created what he called “The #16” for Bo Jackson when he crushed the All Star game in ’89.  It has Billie Bacon Onion Jam, Roasted Pablano Mustard, Shiitake Mushroom added to the meat, Smoked Cheddar Cheese on a Shiitake Bun.

Chef Travis Hickman created a Mushroom and Bacon infused burger with a thyme aioli, fig and onion jam, lettuce, tomato, bacon on a Brioche bun

And the winner of Taster’s Choice is…. Chef Robert Butts!! His meatloaf style burger was melt in your mouth delicious. It was so juicy and mouth watering with perfect flavoring. As a Taster it was definitely my fav!

Photo Courtesy of Rose Riot Photography

And the winner of Judges Choice is…. Chef Travis Hickman!! His Bacon and Mushroom infused burger won over the tastebuds of the judges!   It came down to 2 chefs and 2 burgers.  Chef Robert Butts and Chef Travis Hickman battled it out until the end!


I always have a good time at Culinary Fight Club Events and this Blended Burger Battle was the funnest one yet!  I can’t wait to see who the chefs and judges are for the next competition.

To see more of my CFC Coverage Click Here

UpNext:  CFC Presents:  Here’s The Beef!  Stay Tuned.




Thank you for visiting my site. My name is Stacey Taylor aka “The SistahChick” I am the Head Sistah-In-Charge here at   I am an Atlanta based Professional Blogger who spends my time enjoying the beauty of everyday life and sharing that here on my blog.