Dove Campaign for Real Beauty with Shonda Rhimes #RealBeauty


On Thursday, March 30th Shonda Rhimes announced on her Social Media channels that she would be partnering with Dove Real Beauty Productions to bring our #RealBeauty stories to life. Through this initiative she will be encouraging women and girls around the world to share their real beauty stories.

For 60 years, Dove has listened to and cared about women, and we believe all women and girls have the right to see their #RealBeauty represented in media and culture.


Dove Campaign For Real Beauty with Shonda Rhimes

I am so excited to be partnering with the Dove campaign for Real Beauty with Shonda Rhimes. As #DovePartner for this project I attended an in person Twitter party at Atlanta’s W Hotel in Midtown with 5 phenomenal social media influencers. In the house was Stacey Ferguson (@JusticeFergie), Marie Legette (@thecurvyfashionista), Mattie James (@themattiejames), Denene Millner (@MyBrownBaby) Tammie Reed (@TalkingWithTami)


Even though i85 bridge in Atlanta had erupted in flames and was falling down and with violent storms brewing we still got together over flatbread pizza, cheese and wine and shared our #RealBeauty stories.  These Dove Real Beauty parties were going on all across the country and on Twitter at the SAME time as our normal Thursday night TV line up.  Even though we were all African American women our backgrounds, stories and life experiences were all very different.

Sharing personal stories and experiences with like minded women is a great way to start understanding each others differences and connecting on the things within us that are the same.  Sometimes if you just listen you can learn a lot and I feel like I learned so much from just being in the room.

The definition of beauty is evolving faster than the industry can keep up with, in fact 69% of women agree that they don’t see themselves reflected in advertisements, movies, television.

What’s your #RealBeauty story?

Share a story about you or someone you love that expands the definition of beauty with They want to hear from women everywhere, from every background. Throughout the year, Shonda and Dove will work with you to tell your stories and inspire us all to celebrate #RealBeauty.

Click here to tell it and your story could end up being produced and re told by Shonda Rhimes!



Thank you for visiting my site. My name is Stacey Taylor aka “The SistahChick” I am the Head Sistah-In-Charge here at   I am an Atlanta based Professional Blogger who spends my time enjoying the beauty of everyday life and sharing that here on my blog.