Google Hangout w/ Judge Lauren Lake of Paternity Court

Paternity Court

It was an honor and a pleasure to be able to hang out with Judge Lauren Lake of Paternity Court on Google Hangout.  Paternity Court is a new daytime show that focuses on guests who are trying to determine paternity for themselves or their children.  This show differs from the rest in that a lot of the guests are grown men and women who are seeking knowledge about their true parentage.  There is no whooping and hollering or distasteful celebrations going on here.  Judge Lake’s court is respectful and she does not hesitate to advise and reprimand as she deems necessary.  As a social media influencer for the show we got to get up close and personal with Ms. Lake as she talked about her life, her dreams and the show.  Joining the hangout were several other fans and influencers and we had a great time asking questions.  Ms. Lake is a riot and it was obvious that this lady lives her dreams to the fullest.  She is a multi tasker and has a very energetic spirit, even as she spoke to us she was handling her young son who was afoot during the interview.  As a mother myself I know how busy life can be with a career, children and dreams.  I wanted to know what she does to relax.  You can check our her response below.

Ms Lake believes in living life limitlessly.  I shared briefly that i was new entrepreneur and she spoke to us about this and gave us real nuggets to take home.  Here are some of the takeaways that I was able to gather regarding how you can begin to live your life with no limits and become successful in all that you do..

Be great

Challenge yourself

Stop looking for validation

Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.

Turn your passion into profit

Lauren Lake is a mother, an author, a writer, a judge, a designer, a life coach, and the list goes on. She is a shining example of what can be done when you “ride the wave of life…” as she beautifully put it.

Paternity Court has been renewed for a second season and I am looking forward to seeing what they bring to my screen.  Check your local listings for the times.

Visit Paternity court on Facebook to stay up to date on the show.




Thank you for visiting my site. My name is Stacey Taylor aka “The SistahChick” I am the Head Sistah-In-Charge here at   I am an Atlanta based Professional Blogger who spends my time enjoying the beauty of everyday life and sharing that here on my blog.

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