Dark Girls Documentary on OWN

Dark-GirlsDark Girls is a poignant documentary that investigates what it means to not only be Black in America, but what it means to be a Black person with dark skin.  It was aired on OWN this week.  It was a 2 hour documentary and i thought that it was not only well done but that it has also been crucial to get a dialogue reopened about colorism not just in America but abroad as well.  I spoke about this very subject in my post Beautiful and Dark, which is about some of the experiences that I have had regarding peoples reaction to my daughter who has beautiful dark skin.  Twitter was all abuzz during this show using hashtag #DarkGirls.  It was my pleasure to join in and tweet some of the thoughts, phrases or comments that were presented in the documentary… as well as my own and here are some of them:









The stories that were shared, the thoughts that were presented, the questions that were posed were all necessary and relevant. In order for us to move on as a race and as humans we must get past physical attributes.

 Did you watch Dark Girls? What did you think of it?



Thank you for visiting my site. My name is Stacey Taylor aka “The SistahChick” I am the Head Sistah-In-Charge here at TheSistahCafe.com.   I am an Atlanta based Professional Blogger who spends my time enjoying the beauty of everyday life and sharing that here on my blog.

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