5 Reasons Why Starbucks Needs To Stay in Its #Coffee Lane #RaceTogether

Starbucks Race Together

As a Black woman who loves her some coffee, and who often talks about coffee on all social networks, I just had to talk about this!  Starbucks recently announced that it wants to assist with bettering race relations by having its Baristas write the words “Race Together” on customer coffee cups.  Apparently, this will encourage them to open up a discussion on race with customers by doing so.  Oh my Starbucks! Really?  I love me some Starbucks, I do.  But they really need to stay in their coffee lane!  Here are my 5 reasons why:

1. Discussing race or ANYthing with people BEFORE they have their morning Joe is just not a good idea.

2. Are your employees, who last time I checked were predominately white, properly equipped to have this discussion?

3. Who will be getting these cups? (I’m guessing me)

4. Is the message of what you are trying to do clear to everyone involved?  Some people might think this means to put their running shoes on.

5. Can we get some Starbucks located in the “hood” first before you guys become a beacon of light for race relations?

Despite raw emotion around racial unrest from Ferguson, Missouri to New York City to Oakland, “we at Starbucks should be willing to talk about these issues in America,” Schultz said. “Not to point fingers or to place blame, and not because we have answers, but because staying silent is not who we are.  Starbucks.com

Here is what Twitter has to say using the hashtag #RaceTogether

Starbucks needs to just give us the coffee and leave this alone.  Good try though!

What do you think about this?  Do you want to discuss racial issues with your Starbucks Barista?  Or no?



Thank you for visiting my site. My name is Stacey Taylor aka “The SistahChick” I am the Head Sistah-In-Charge here at TheSistahCafe.com.   I am an Atlanta based Professional Blogger who spends my time enjoying the beauty of everyday life and sharing that here on my blog.

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