10 Tips to Help You Start to Manage Your Child’s #NaturalHair

Manage-Your-Childs-Natural-HairIt can be very intimidating when you start to think about how you will manage your child’s natural hair. If you are anything like me then you never really got to know your own hair so it may be difficult to understand your child’s natural hair.  I started getting relaxers when I was 14 years old.  Prior to that my mother paid people to do our hair.  When I had my own daughter I knew that  I wanted to keep her natural but I didn’t know how to go about doing so.  Because I had never gotten to know my own natural hair,  I had no idea where to start.  What products should I use?  What’s an easy way to detangle?  Are the products I’m using now safe?  How often should I wash?  The answers to all of these questions will come in time, but there has to be a place to start.  After many months of research and actually going natural myself so that I could better understand our hair I came up with this list of tips to help you start managing your child’s natural hair.

Be Patient With Yourself

Understand that you won’t figure it all out right away and that this is not a race.  Many times you will see folks who seem to have it all figured out.  Don’t compete.  Go at your own pace.

Do Your Own Research

People can give you advice, but you must also go out there and gather information for yourself.  All products do not react the same on all hair.  Not all styles are going to work for you and your child.  A look that someone else has chosen for their child, might not necessarily be right for yours.

Try Products

In order to find out which products work best for your child’s hair you are going to have to give some products a try.  Its the only way to truly know what will and will not work.

Be Patient with Your Child

Until you find out best products, best routines, best hairstyles etc. understand that this is also going to be a learning process for your child.

Develop a Routine

Kids respond better to routines.  Choose a day that will be “Wash Day”.  Select a special towel.  Keep all hair supplies in a decorative carry all container.  When you gather all of these items together on “Wash Day” you make the day special for your child.

Keep Your Child’s Mind Busy

Taking care of natural hair takes time.  Find ways to keep your child’s mind occupied.  My daughter and I like to listen to music.  Sometimes we talk.  Other times she plays on her tablet or laptop.

Take Breaks

Depending on the style that you may be working on, it could take a lot of time to complete.  Make sure that breaks are taken at least every 30 minutes to an hour.  The will break up the monotony.

Confirm Comfort

Constantly check on them while you are doing their hair.  Ask them if they are comfortable or if they need anything.  Use this time to let the child know that they are your main focus.

Reach Out

Look for support online!  Find groups of like minded people to share your successes as well as your failures (www.OurNaturalKids.ning.com)


Practice makes perfect!  You will notice as you continue your journey that your skill levels will begin to increase and sooner than later you will become your own expert on YOUR child’s hair.

These rules are not set in stone, but they are a good place to start for beginners. You can develop your own top 10 list of things that helped you as you go along.

We have created a set of video tutorials on basic natural hair care and maintenance for kids.  Check them out for assistance.

For those of you who have this all figured out, what are some of your best practices from when you began to manage your child’s natural hair?

Please share tips for managing your children’s natural hair



Thank you for visiting my site. My name is Stacey Taylor aka “The SistahChick” I am the Head Sistah-In-Charge here at TheSistahCafe.com.   I am an Atlanta based Professional Blogger who spends my time enjoying the beauty of everyday life and sharing that here on my blog.

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